There are time throughout every day when reinforcement may be requires at work with coworkers, at home with children, or even at the gym with a workout partner. One thing that may not be understood or even thought about very often are the different types of reinforcement that can be used for different desired responses. Immediate reinforcement is when a reinforcer is not delayed any longer than one second. A delayed reinforcement is when the reinforcer is between one and sixty seconds (Malott and Shane, 2014). It is also said that if a reinforcer is delivered after sixty seconds that the desired response from the reinforcement is less likely to be achieved (Malott and Shane, 2014). Knowing this information, when would be appropriate to use immediate reinforcement and when would it be appropriate to use delayed reinforcement? Christopher Source: Malott, R. W., & Shane, J. T. (2014). Principles of behavior (7th ed.). London, England: Taylor & Francis.